How to work with WP_CLI

WP-CLI is one of the command line tools specifically made to manage your WordPress websites through the command can manage WordPress without even needing to login to your WordPress admin and navigate through the pages.WP-CLI will be particularly useful if you are a WordPress developer, System Administrator or run a business built around WordPress. This command line tool will greatly help you do more in less time , example taking backups, updating WordPress and plugins, publishing content and querying databases can be accomplished relatively quickly.

Requirements of WP-CLI

1 – PHP 5.3.2 or later.

2 – WordPress 3.4 or later.

3 – UNIX like environment like Linux.

Installing WP-CLI‌


Download the WP-CLI apparatus from Github with the accompanying order:‌

curl -O


Then, affirm that it has been downloaded effectively:‌

php wp-cli.phar –info‌


Presently you need to set wp-cli.phar to be an executable document. Just enter:‌

chmod +x wp-cli.phar‌


To conclude the establishment, move everything into the last area:‌

sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp‌

Since WP-CLI is introduced, you can begin working with your WordPress substance and records through the order line.

Installing WordPress with WP-CLI


we need to download WordPress in order to install it.  Navigate to the directory you’d like to download the WordPress CMS to and run the following command

wp core download

How to Create a New User

root@root:/var/www/test# mysql

MariaDB [(none)]> CREATE USER ‘databaseuser’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;

MariaDB [(none)]> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO ‘databaseuser’@’localhost’;


This command will download the latest version of WordPress after Download is completed. your can create wp-config.php file using following commands

root@root:/var/www/test# wp core config –dbname=databasename –dbuser=databaseuser –dbpass=password –dbhost=localhost –dbprefix=wp_ –allow-root


This command displays all of your login credentials in wp-config.php file. Now wp-config.php file is created‌

Create Database

This command will create a fresh database with the name used in wp-config file

wp db create

Install WordPress

Execute this core install command

wp core install – –title=”WordPress Website Title” –admin_user=admin_user –admin_password=admin_password –


Using WP-CLI to Install and Manage WordPress Themes


you must change path of wordpress directory then execute the command‌
‌root@root:/var/www/html# wp theme list


| name            | status   | update    | version |


| twentynineteen  | inactive | available | 1.8     |

| twentytwenty    | inactive | none      | 1.6     |

| twentytwentyone | active   | available | 1.0     |


Activate Theme  in wp-cli command using

root@root:/var/www/html# wp theme activate twentynineteen‌


Have a quick look into the wp-config.php


This command shows the output of  wp-config.php

root@root:/var/www/html# wp config get

Get config path using below commands

root@root:/var/www/html# wp config path


Using WP-CLI to run core updates


root@root:/var/www/html# wp core update


Adding the version flag to your command and rolling back to the point where there wasn’t a conflict

root@root:/var/www/html# wp core version


wp command using get list of plugins


root@root# wp plugin list –allow-root


| name    | status   | update    | version |


| akismet | inactive | available | 4.1.7   |

| hello   | inactive | none      | 1.7.2   |



Update, disable, and delete akismet plugins‌

Deactivate plugin

root@root:/var/www/html# wp plugin deactivate akismet ‌


Activate plugins using wp commands

root@root:/var/www/html# wp plugin activate akismet


Delete plugin using Wp-command

root@root:/var/www/html# wp plugin delete hello

Update all plugins

root@root:/var/www/html#  wp plugin update – all‌‌

Check the status of the plugins currently on your site

root@root:/var/www/html# wp plugin status

Using WP-CLI to Search and Replace

root@root:/var/www/html# wp search-replace –dry-run ‘’ ‘’‌


Installing a Plugin Through WP-CLI

root@root:/var/www/html# wp plugin install woocommerce

Reset user passwords using wp command

root_root >> username or email address

sample@123 >> password

root@root:/var/www/html# wp user update root_root –user_pass=sample@123

Reset user passwords using wp command with Display name

root@root:/var/www/html# wp user update root_root –display_name=admin  –user_pass=sample1@123