Cloud Hosting

Cloud Hosting Through our managed cloud hosting, any client can host their application on any available public clouds. We provide proper management, support, and monitoring for a lot of applications.

Our Staliens

Cloud Hosting Features

FlexiCloud is the best Cloud Hosting solution for your application.
Be it on PHP, NodeJS, or on Python

Linux Only

We believe in linux. Linux is fast, secure and free ! All our servers are linux flavored and we are working towards supporting everything that works on linux.

Free SSL

So long as your site points to our servers, your websites will be protected with a free domain validation SSL certificate. It not only protects your data, it boosts your SEO score as well.

Nginx Powered

Nginx is a very fast webserver. We use nginx as much as possible to host our websites. The easy to use features and fast nature of ngninx makes it our favorite webserver.

Guaranteed Backups

FlexiCloud will be commited to provide you guaranteed backups of your site. We will retain the backups for 7 consecutive days and you can go back to any date from your control panel or or by raising a ticket.

FastCGI Caching

We use fastCGI caching as much as possible on our web servers. If offloads the caching of your pages from your web and database servers and makes your sites load very fast

Redis Caching for Free

Redis is an in memory data store used to cache MySQL queries. Redis is very effective in redusing the load on MySQL server and there by decreasing the site response time.

Cloud is never a hurdle with FlexiCloud

FlexiCloud is the best Cloud Hosting solution for your application.
Be it on PHP, NodeJS, or on Python

Choice of Cloud Providers

Managed Cloud Hosting Options

FlexiCloud is the best Cloud Hosting solution for your application.
Be it on PHP, NodeJS, or on Python

AWS Cloud

AWS is one of the best cloud hosting provider in the world. You can deploy EC2 instances through FlexiCloud and host your website in AWS.

Digital Ocean

DigitalOcean is one of the best Cloud provider with predictive pricing. Please lick the following link to know more about hosting your application in Digital Ocean Droplets

Vultr Cloud

Vultr is one of the best Cloud provider with predictive pricing. Please lick the following link to know more about hosting your application in Vultr Cloud​

Linode Cloud

Linode is one of the best Cloud provider with predictive pricing. Please lick the following link to know more about hosting your application in Linode Cloud

Up Cloud

UpCloud is one of the newest Cloud provider with predictive pricing. Please lick the following link to know more about hosting your application in UpCloud Cloud


Hetzner is one of the Cloud provider with predictive pricing. Please lick the following link to know more about hosting your application in Hetzner Cloud

Why Choose Us

Why Cloud hosting

FlexiCloud stands for Flexibility. You have all the flexibility that you can have on any cloud platform.

Optimal Pricing

Our prices are optimal. It incudes the server cost and cost for server management and support. You do not have to may any thing extra for mangaing the server or for server.

Tension free

When you’re with us you do not have to worry about anything, we take care of your server, your data and any support needs.

Predictable cost

Our price is monthly and is predictable. There will be no additional amount unless you decide to upgrade your server.


You can upgrade your server to better or high performance on at any time, We will be billing only for the difference amount that you have to pay.

Predictable cost

Our price is monthly and is predictable. There will be no additional amount unless you decide to upgrade your server.


You can upgrade your server to better or high performance on at any time, We will be billing only for the difference amount that you have to pay.

Flexible & Reliable

Managed Cloud Hosting