Enterprise Hosting

FlexiCloud provides enterprise hosting which is safe with performance, tools, and an expert team needed at any time to talk and understand the nuances.

Class leaders in

Enterprise Hosting

Large-scale projects call for dynamic and flexible solutions. In this, we focus on security, performance, scalability, and proactive technical support.

Managed Security

Choose your cloud provider from an array of highy curated IAAS providers across the globe. Not only DDoS protection, but the servers we provide are HIPPA and PCI compliant.
We take security of the servers and the installed application very seriously.

The best in class

You can choose the server specs, cloud location, and the cloud providers and we will set up your application on them. The server is working entirely for you and there is no one sharing the server resources with you.

24/7 Support

Your application is in the capable hands of our expert support team. We will answer your technical support tickets with in 15 minutes and will resolve in a maximum of 4 hours. 90% our support requests are closed with in 30 minutes.

Managed Cloud experts

No matter what your application is - we will support it. Bring on any simple or complicated architecture and we have solutions for you! That is why we have more than 5000 web sites with us!

365/24/7 Support

Stuck with a technical issue ? Contact us anytime of the hour, any day and we will be there to help you. We are available 24x7x365 – you can count on us! we will respond within few minutes and the issue will be resolved within a few hours.

Why Choose Us

Fast, secure, and scalable global network

We customize the plans as per the needs of the client. The traffic generated helps in superior performance and user experiences.

Flexible plans designed for

Enterprise Needs

We are all aligned to bring in hosting for customization, tools and features, and uncompromising quality for you.

Find a plan that suits

From a pool of plans, you can choose the one that suits and fits your requirements with all the features which are needed by you. It can be for a particular project or that having a number of websites.

Get a dedicated virtual machine

We offer a virtual machine that is solely dedicated only for your purpose. There can be nothing faster than this to support you in your journey.

We’re here to help

The enterprise atmosphere is always tough and complex. Whether you are looking for launching a new deal or for migration, we can provide the help required and navigate you through the challenges that may arise, and provide expert advice.

Security at scale

There is always protection against DDoS, web attacks, and other threats which may arise. For which Cloudflare’s firewalls help for it.

Complete resource isolation

Isolating each hosting server from one another, we ensure that Linux containers and LXD are used to operate them.

Fine-tuned for WordPress

Using google’s security system, the security rules, WAF and SSL support, continuous monitoring, and malware removal are there to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Setting Cloud as per Choice

Continuous monitoring all day, every day

You will not require to get tensed over the fact whether your site is available or not. Every two minutes, it is checked and monitored making it 720 times a day. thereby, it ensures proper supervision for the site and the data around the cloud all days in a year.

Proactive monitoring

We strive to ensure you will not be disturbed at the maximum extent possible. If at all, it happens, a dedicated team will fix and implement a solution for the same.

Internal monitoring

We look out for both the internal and external systems thereby verifying the servers and functioning properly and enable for more improvements further.

PHP workers

We have in hand a number of PHP workers to meet the demands and needs of the websites.

Wherever you go, we are there!

Our technical help desk is open 24 x 7 x 365. If you’re stuck with any technical issues you can easily raise a ticket and we will respond within 15 minutes and the issue will be resolved within a few hours.

Class leaders in

Support for reverse proxy setups

Whether you need a main website or a proxy one to blog only, we can provide for that too, where our team of engineers will provide a solution for the same. 

Solutions based on your needs

Here, we ensure everything is reached to the user from scratch providing a smooth experience without any trouble. We have got you covered on the back- end operations.

Enterprise-level technical support

You can rely on our engineers to have anything done as per your needs and customize it accordingly. Proxies require support and require more support from wordpress installs.

Setting Cloud as per Choice

Improvising day by day!

We have brough the best in the industry for you so that you can have the best of everything! 

Redis is Free!

We do not believe in charging something that is free and open source. Redis it's free and at FlexiCloud for everyone so long as your server supports it.

Easily scalable

You can easily upgrade or downgrade your server at FlexiCloud. You just need to pay the additional charge for the upgrade and your server will be updated to the next convenient plan for you so that you can contain the additional traffic.

Self Healing

And we have settings in place which will monitor each and every services in your server and make sure that if any service go down it will it will automatically be restarted.

Competitive pricing

But pricing is very competitive and through Flexi Cloud clients can access any available public cloud and enjoy their advantages. We are not limiting any clients any particular Cloud or location.

Vernacular Support

Though our primary language of communication is English, Flexicloud provides support for our clients in most of the Indian languages like Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Marathi and Kannada. We are adding more to this list.


Why enterprises trust us

Enterprise relies on FlexiCloud for secure scalable and incredible hosting performance that suits their needs. We have collaborated with many enterprise customers to deliver expert hosting support.