Why you Should Choose a Managed Cloud Provider than Building your own Cloud

There are two distinct ways by which you can manage your cloud environment and maintain it with success. The first is by hiring and training a team of dedicated professionals to get it done. The second, is to do so using managed cloud services. As the name suggests, a managed cloud service is an essential service by virtue of which all those who form a part of the cloud management or administration of a business organization are outsourced over to third party service providers. Modern day business models require their resources to be effectively shared. They need their customers to access business resources in a scalable, convenient, and quick fashion and it is for this reason alone, that SaaS models are becoming increasingly popular. However, it is not just the SaaS models that are being extensively used or adopted. Based on data produced in a recent Right-Scale report, as much as 38% of the workload of business organizations today, runs in public clouds. 41% of the workload is managed and run, in private clouds. As many as 66% of the world’s businesses are serviced by internal cloud teams. In order, for cloud services to be managed in the most optimal of ways, a need exists for what may be termed as a multi-vendor experience. Vendors usually command in-depth knowledge from a variety of fields and provide the efficient and skilled services that businesses require to ensure that their cloud environment is being run effectively enough, with every resource being utilized to the fullest.

If you have expertise and resources at your disposal you can certainly, spend the time and the resources that are needed to recruit a committed team of skilled professionals to manage the applications, the tools and infrastructure of the cloud environment of your business. By doing so you will gain, complete, and transparent and autonomous control over the cloud. However, if the power associated with cloud computing is something that you wish to tap suitably into, then opting for managed cloud services can be a terrific idea. This will enable you to focus your efforts and resources into the development of your business instead. Cloud service providers have plenty of experience in the designing, building and management of multi-cloud environments. They have hands-on experience in dealing with application migration to cloud, and possess a working knowledge of storage frameworks, networks, tools, and languages that are accessible in cloud service suites.

Optimized Pricing and No Future Proofing Worries

Optimized pricing is one of the most important benefits you can experience when you choose managed cloud services. If you opt for managed cloud services, there are only fixed recurring costs that you have, to incur. You can sign up for a customized plan offered by managed cloud service providers, and pay a fixed rental charge every month for the services that you avail. Future proofing worries will vanish into thin air if you ever decide to make use of managed cloud services. Having your own team to take care of cloud services implies that you have constantly spend resources and time to provide them with the skills and the training they needed to manage cloud. In the case of managed cloud services, it is the responsibility of the service provider to provide you with professional services rendered by quality experts working on their team.

Cost Predictability, Scalability and Flexibility

Since cloud-based resources tend to be highly predictable in nature, there are clear pricing policies that vendors communicate to you when offering managed cloud services. There are no surprise or hidden costs lurking around the corner, and you pay for a distinct set of conditions only, be the extent of data transfer that you use or the amount of disc space or computing power that you use up. The infinite computing and storage power that comes with cloud, makes it possible for you to leverage this, to downscale or upscale a business as and when needed.

24×7 Security and Optimal Management of Hybrid/Multi-Cloud

The service level agreements that you enter in, with managed cloud service providers including the provision of data migration, cloud monitoring and support services round the clock. You can thus ensure that your cloud environment is protected by enhanced security measures when you have a managed cloud service provider looking after it. When you partner with a managed cloud service provider, you get your workload to be managed in a optimal fashion, according to the unique priorities of your business. A trusted cloud manager will help you to gain the most from your cloud environment, ensuring that it runs in a smooth and efficient manner without incurring band-with, security or capacity related issues.

FlexiCloud provides you with managed cloud services of an exceptional quality, using which you can select as well as design a hybrid cloud environment for your enterprise. With the help of FlexiCloud’s efficient cloud management system, you can implement a cloud migration plan that for its continued monitoring and management. Contact us today, to know more!